Saturday, September 4, 2010

That's The Reality, Accept It!

            I’m convinced that one out of every 1000 people are total idiots. Either that or they’re senile. Having said that, I feel it truly reflects what I deal with on an almost daily basis.
            I currently work at a small corporate retail store. Over my unfortunate three-year tenure, the company I work for has seen me relocate to approximately five stores over two states, and I have probably had interactions with close to thousands upon thousands of people.
            I’ll be the first to admit that I have become very jaded in the last year or so to the whole consumer process. The customer comes into store, asks for product, pays for said product, change is given, customer leaves. It is just as monotonous as it sounds. But it does leave for some interesting encounters. These are my 3 most memorable.

1. “The Harry S. Truman Guy”

This guy was more recent, but still quite bizarre. After finishing his transaction, he continued to converse with the other cashier I work with, who is also an older man, about who the best presidents are. My cashier and the customer had Harry S. Truman in common the way most Twilight fans have Jacob or Edward in common. Point being, who gives a fuck, our country is no longer run by him, and fuck Twilight.
But it wasn’t the rant that intrigued me, it was what the customer said after this that made me really question his sanity.
The man claimed that “Harry Truman liked him so much that he refused to left him leave the service and made him serve another tour because he deemed him indispensable, which I agreed with him.”
I raise a question! At what point, do you realize you are a government tool, when you say Truman sent you a letter and told you that you must continue to serve active duty while in WW2, and you agreed with him?!
I understand there are some people that are very impassioned about war, but this just goes to show, it’s like there’s a manipulation of the person here. And quite frankly I just don’t find that too heroic. Sorry, it’s just you lost your bragging rights on Sept. 2, 1945 when Japan signed the surrender papers.

2. “The Welfare In Haiti From US Tax Dollars Guy”

            This I just attribute to ignorance, and while ignorance can be bliss, it can also be the possible missing link between humans and apes, which is where this next guy falls.
            This customer I had the joy of getting a dose of stupidity from when during the finalization of his transaction, I am prompted to ask if the customer would like to donate a dollar to the Haiti relief fund.
            The customer simply looks at me and refuses, on the basis that “I give enough of my tax dollars to the government that goes towards welfare in Haiti.”
            Stunned, I asked “They have welfare in Haiti?”
            The customer replied “yes” and left. But um, no!
            Haiti, a third fucking world country, does not have welfare. Now yes, the US is the largest donor of money to Haiti, but nevertheless, they do not have a welfare program.
The closest thing they have had to a welfare program in fact, was in the 1980s when the government provided pensions to some retired public officials and military officers, but it was not very much. They also had one for agriculturalists, after 20 years of service, and collectable at the age of 55, however, still not enough to rely on. These programs have since been abandoned, leaving Haiti with no welfare system.
            So wake up fucker because you don’t even seem to know exactly where your money is going to.

3. “The I Fought In Wars So We Wouldn’t Have To Speak Spanish Guy”

This guy is my favorite. Probably one of the more outlandish things I’ve have heard from somebody’s mouth. The customer needed a manual for an item, which we sometimes have the product manuals available at our website. When I went to search for the manual, it turns out we only had it in Spanish. This is where the fun begins.
I tell him the manual is only available in Spanish, which he is clearly not happy about but not upset either. He goes to leave and gets about 5 steps before double backing to tell myself, my coworker, and in a seemingly senile act of racism, 2 Guatemalan customers, that he had “fought in multiple wars so we would not have to speak Spanish in this country.”
Stop! First of all, tell me, when was the last time we had a war with a Spanish speaking country? Think hard. Bet you can’t think of one. That’s because THERE HASN’T BEEN ONE FOR  OVER 100 YEARS!
Giving the guy the benefit of the doubt, and yes he was old, we can say he was alive for WW1. This war did not even involve any Spanish speaking countries. The closest we had was Portugal, and they were on our side.
World War 2. Again, no Spanish speaking countries, although I will try to give some credit, Spain did provide some weapons to the Axis powers, but ultimately remained neutral. Although we did have a throw down with Japan and now we have Nintendo.
Which leaves us with the remaining 2 wars, Korean War, and Vietnam War. Just as you guessed, no Spanish speaking countries attempting to invade us and force us to watch Telemundo.
So no sir, you did not fight for our right to not have to speak Spanish, you just live in a bi-lingual society. That’s the reality, accept it!

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