Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Someone should really lay these zombies to rest.

            Why can’t the series die like it’s main appeal, the zombies? Yes, it’s apparently that time again for another Resident Evil film; meaning that I, like an Alzheimer patient, find myself wandering back into the movie theater to watch. But in my defense, I love the games, and the one good film that had no association with the live action movies (Resident Evil: Degeneration). I continue watching the movies out of a displaced loyalty to the series that sees me losing 90 minutes of my life that I’ll never get back every 3 to 4 years. So let me save you from having to make the same mistakes I have.
            For those of you that give a shit, this movie picks up after the end of the third movie that saw Claire Redfield and friends searching for a picked up distress beacon promising safe haven, claimed to be located in Arcadia, and Alice threatening to take down the Umbrella Corporation, now with a little help from her friends, multiple clones of herself.
            Without giving much away, lets just say, Alice does go through with the attack, and ultimately loses her powers, while setting up the main antagonist, Albert Wesker, and finally giving some sort of worthy nod to the game series…And this is where I stop and say why I refuse to accept this movie series as a relevant translation.
            This movie manages to turn an entire film that takes place in the span of five minutes, into an hour and a half long lesson you learn in film school on why not to overuse slow motion. It really got to a point where I felt compelled to laugh out loud in the theater and I am the most non-vocal person in a movie theater. About every 10 minutes, without fucking fail, there was a slow motion scene. These movies have progressively included more and more slow motion scenes, and it tests my fucking patience.
            Something this film as well as the predecessors still lack is character development, because I still find myself rather seeing the survivors killed than prevailing. It’s sad because in a way, the movies do have potential, but end up becoming a 90-minute joke.
            What really pissed me off the most, and pisses me off in any movie, is the deliberate setup for a sequel…which of course this film does. This makes me angry, because when your movies become so shitty that they stop making profit, you make a film with a cliffhanger that even though the movie totally blows I still want to know what happens, ahem Super Mario Bros.
            The plot is just as predictable as you think, not that something like this is going to be an Oscar contender, but this movie is totally devoid of anything resembling a plot.
            They say hindsight is always 20/20, so take it from me, do NOT waste your time on this movie. But then again it still makes money at the box office so it must be doing it for some people.

My Opinion: 3.5/10

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