Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Even Perfection Has Its Imperfections

            Celebrity gossip is a lucrative business known for it’s shady practices and ability to expose even the most personal of information of a celebrity. Unfortunately there are some celebrities that get overexposure; and not to be sexist, but an overwhelming amount of the time these are female celebrities.
            The one that comes to mind is Megan Fox. The Transformers actress has been the ultimate fodder for gossip magazines everywhere, as well as appearing in multiple men magazines. At one point last year the coverage was so bad that a few websites called for a one day boycott on Megan Fox stories.
            My point here is that, well, I feel the pain. These celebrities are made up to be sex symbols or spank bank material for some of the younger ones. We have gotten to a point in our culture where celebrities are reveled in for their beauty and perfection. However, like the plot twists in some of their shitty movies, things aren’t what they always seem.
            That’s right, even the one’s made to be the most beautiful can have daunting imperfections. The point of this article is not necessarily to point out and laugh at the imperfections some of these people have, but moreover to point out that even the people who seem untouchable are just as human as everybody else. So without further ado…

1.     Megan Fox

Yes, it’s true. Even the queen of perfection has an imperfection. First let me point out that Megan Fox is gorgeous. There is no doubt about that. But let’s face it…she is talentless. In fact, she was the major inspiration to write this article because of all the coverage she gets, yet shows a complete lack of acting talent. So what is this imperfection you say?
Megan Fox suffers from brachydatyly. For those of us who didn’t attend medical school, I like to call this “Carny Thumbs.” It is essentially a shortening of the fingers or toes and is passed down genetically. Here get a better look for yourself so you can understand.

 Yeah, probably not the person you want to be hitchhiking with…

2.     Jennifer Garner

What ever happened to Jennifer Garner? I know she still makes movies from time to time, but after her and Ben Affleck had a baby and Elektra flopped harder than a fish out of water, she all but disappeared. Maybe people caught on…

Not that I think an overlapping pinky toe is cause to ruin a career, but damn. It reminds me of something that would make George Costanza break up with a woman.

3.     Mila Kunis

I refuse to bash Mila Kunis. She is gorgeous and talented and voices a character on one of my favorite shows on television, Family Guy. To be totally honest, I think her “imperfection” in this case just makes her more beautiful. So without further delay…

Look at her left eye…Now look at her right eye…Notice anything different. Here’s a little closer.

Mila Kunis Is The Upper Left Picture

 That’s right, they are different colors. This imperfection is known as heterochromia, which as you guessed causes different colored eyes. Turns out she’s not the only one.

From L to R: Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour, Kate Bosworth, Elizabeth Berkley, Virginia Madsen

So to ground all the people who are obsessed with celebrities and view them as sex symbols, it seems that even perfection can have its flaws. Obviously some a little more bizarre than others, but keep in mind, even celebrities in their infallible images are human too and this is proof.

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