Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm Still Here Is A Bizarre And Sad Portrait...And Fucking Brilliant!

            Most of you probably recognize the chap above as Joaquin Phoenix, but I assure you that the real Joaquin Phoenix is not in this movie, at least not in spirit.
            “I’m Still Here”, which is an appropriate title given Phoenix’s two year absence from film, is a “documentary” film about Phoenix’s retirement from acting to subsequently change to a rap career. I know I laughed really hard the first time I heard it too.
            First a little background on this film. In 2008 after filming the movie “Two Lovers”, Phoenix announced he would retire from film to pursue a musical career. To further drive the point home, he grew out his beard and his hair, giving him the appearance of a homeless man. During this period when Phoenix was seen in public, he was also sporting a pair of large sunglasses, and most interviews or attempts to talk to him were futile, as he seemed to be dodging questions about just about everything. The actor had seemingly had a mental breakdown.
            At some point during the fiasco, there was a news story that was run claiming that Phoenix’s rap career is a hoax and that he was filming all of it with the intent of fooling everyone. While it came out in the wash just about a week ago that the film is indeed a hoax and Phoenix is really fine, that still doesn’t take away from one of the most bizarre, yet interesting films I’ve seen in a long time.
            The first movie that comes to mind to compare this to is Borat. However, Borat was a fictional character, while Joaquin Phoenix is not. This is where the movie really tested the boundaries of where it could go. You take an Oscar winning actor, make him seem to have descended into madness, and film it.
            The premise is simple; it follows Joaquin from shortly after his retirement from acting, throughout the point where he just has a complete meltdown as a result of his unsuccessful rapping career.
            While it seems like it may be pretty temperate, it is far from that. The movie may not be as over the top as Borat, but that still doesn’t negate some of the extreme moments in the film. These moments include Phoenix engaging in oral sex with a prostitute, snorting cocaine throughout the film including off a prostitutes breast, smoking marijuana, and being defecated on by a friend he is feuding with. Sounds like everything necessary to be a music star.
            For the average viewer, this would probably be one of the most depressing movies of the year to watch. If you are not aware of the hoax that this movie was, I promise you it was not fun to watch one of the greatest actors of our generation spiral out of control. Knowing it is a hoax, it can also be called one of the greatest performance pieces of all time. It’s Joaquin Phoenix playing a character based on himself named Joaquin Phoenix.
            The movie has a lot of humorous moments, but they are usually unintentional and come up as a result of the actors constant misfortune, or the moments where he really shows how belligerent he has become, by mumbling words and an inability to complete a coherent thought. Knowing it was a hoax, I laughed many times throughout the film; however if you are unaware, then the film doesn’t seem so humorous anymore.
            Overall, the film was good, even though it had it’s dragging moments. It was interesting to see what Joaquin did during his tenure to try to get a rap album made, and how he alienated himself from everybody, all in an attempt to try a new type of documentary approach. It worked, however I don’t think everyone is going to “get it”, and therefore this movie probably won’t been seen by many.
            The only complaint I have on the movie, and it’s minor, is just that there was literally no point to the film. I came out of the theater wondering why I had watched the movie and if I left with anything. But aside from this minor complaint, this was a really different film and definitely deserves viewing by everyone. Check it out!

My Opinion: 9.5/10


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