Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Quick, What Do Nikki Sixx And I Have In Common?

            This Sunday morning was spent like any other Sunday morning, relaxing with VH-1 on the television. It’s a Sunday activity I have done week after week with my roommate because, well, we have no life. During a replay of an old episode of Behind The Music, Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx was recalling a heroin overdose that occurred in 1987. What piqued my interest in this was his vivid description of an out-of-body-experience (OBE) that happened to him while he was legally pronounced dead for two minutes. Sixx recalled the experience as “floating above his body in the ambulance watching the paramedics work on him, to suddenly being pulled right back into his body.” This incident is of interest to me because it has happened to me too.
            I did some quick research to find there are a few different kinds of OBE. There are one’s that happen during or near sleep. There are those that happen as a result of a near death experience. There are also one’s that can be induced. My OBE, as you may have guessed, was similar to Nikki Sixx’s reason. The only difference was mine wasn't brought on by a heroin overdose.
            During one of the hottest days of the years, my kindergarten teacher Mrs. Sanford decided to extend our recess to a two-hour window from its original one-hour time frame. Normally this wouldn’t bother me, except that we were forbidden from going back into the room to get water, and Mrs. Sanford forced us to play outside in the sun without any shade. Following our extended session playtime in hell, we all went back inside to continue with the day’s lesson.
            As I sat at my desk I began to feel very dazed and light headed. I then began to see black spots. It was pretty surreal as I was only six years old at the time, so I had no damn clue what was happening to me aside from obvious dehydration. The last thing I remember was my head dropping between my arms before I blacked out. What happened next I will never forget.
            The memory still remains as vivid as it did when it happened. I remember coming to in the corner of the classroom. The lights were out in the room and there were no students. I looked around the room for a few seconds before I suddenly saw myself lying on the floor. Four paramedics, who had a gurney next to them, surrounded my body. As I saw them working to put my body on the gurney, I remember wondering what was going on and why I was able to see what I was seeing. I remember feeling scared for a few seconds, but then I was calm. I watched as the paramedics wheeled me out of the room. Then there was silence. I remained in the dark room for another few seconds before I suddenly came to in the ambulance with a horrible smell of oxygen being pumped in my nose.
            I’ve read countless articles and heard numerous testimonies of similar experiences happening to other people. While there is no definitive proof as to what exactly this phenomenon is, I think it opens the possibilities for discussion of spiritual existence. If this happens as frequently as it does, then it has to have some credibility as an idea. The idea being that we all have a spiritual energy that exists beyond us. Any thoughts if this has happened to you?

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