Monday, October 18, 2010

Three Films Guaranteed To Shock You

            I’ve noticed that so many movies these days are censored. Very rarely does an uncensored, or for lack of better word, unfiltered movie reach mainstream audiences. I try to keep an eye out for films of this caliber, and this year has been a great success. This year I have managed to come across three wonderful gems of shock movies. The following movies have had me recommending and talking about them to a lot of people in an attempt to have them feel the shock I do. One film is so graphic it almost made me throw up as a result. I want to share these films and urge everybody to see these films.

1. The Human Centipede

            What can I say about this film? Let me give you a hint as to what the title might imply. The film concerns a former Nazi doctor who kidnaps three tourists. The doctor then proceeds to surgically attach the three people mouth-to-anus, hence a “human centipede.”
            Let me first start off by saying that this movies shock value lies in what’s implied rather than graphic imagery. Director Tom Six uses very little if any graphical depictions of the aforementioned procedure, and this is what makes the movie work. It leaves us, the audience, in a position to imagine what exactly something like that could yield. It even sets us up for the inevitable scatological situation. Let me put it this way, to this day my girlfriend refuses to even discuss the film due to the implied graphic nature. I know a few people that also share this viewpoint on the film. Check it out for yourself; trust me it’s worth it.

2. Antichrist

            This is an interesting film because while it does have some very graphic moments, it’s one of the most visually stimulating films I have ever seen. There is a certain hint of pretentiousness in director Lars Von Trier’s film, however this is merely a pro to this film.
This movie stars only two actors, Willem Dafoe (Spiderman) and Charlotte Gainsborough (21 Grams). The film is about a married couple whose young child escapes from his crib while the married couple is making love and falls out of an open window to his death a few stories below. The married couple, referred to as only “He” and “She,” retreat to a remote cabin in the woods so She can grieve. He is a psychiatrist who attempts to treat his wife, who eventually loses her sanity. She then maims her husband in some very graphic, disturbing, and shocking scenes.
If there were ever a film that could truly be defined as art, Antichrist would be it. It is beautifully shot, with every scene just brimming with atmosphere and tension and serene beauty simultaneously. I highly recommend this film, if just for the visual stimulation.

3. Martyrs

            I came across this film as a result of the movie Hellraiser. The director of Martyrs, Pascal Laugier, was at one point attached to direct a proposed remake of the movie Hellraiser until it fell through. While Laugier was attached to the film, fans of his turned me onto this film, Martyrs. After watching it, this has become one of the most shocking, disturbing, and amazing films I have ever seen.
            The film is about a young girl who escapes from a remote location where she has apparently been tortured for years. Upon her escape, we are shown that she is being haunted some sort of creature. The film then fast-forwards 15 years where a family of four is enjoying a dinner. Suddenly, the girl who had escaped years earlier blasts her way through the front door and violently murders the entire family, small children included. We then learn that the adults of the family were the one’s torturing the escaped girl years earlier. At this point, the movie starts to take more twists and turns than an M. Night Shyamalan film.
            While watching the movie I had a hard time understanding why everything was happening. There are some points where there might be some confusion, but upon the ending everything came full circle. It turned out to be one of the most brilliant films I have ever seen, and I highly recommend it. Be warned though, this film is VERY graphic and if you have a weak stomach I do not recommend viewing it.

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