Tuesday, October 26, 2010

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

            It was about this time last year that Paranormal Activity repeated the success of The Blair Witch Project and raked in ridiculous profits off a meager budget. So in typical Hollywood fashion, a sequel was made. That sequel was released this week; and while Paranormal Activity 2 may not make the profits that it predecessor brought in, it still proved to be a worthy sequel.
            One of the best things that this sequel does is take the old saying “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and applies it generously. This sequel looks and feels exactly like the original, even with a budget ten times as high. This ends up working out great because by doing this, Paranormal Activity 2 is able to merely add to what the original got wrong.
            This movie falls into a strange chronology. It takes place before, during, and after the events of Paranormal Activity. The events of this film focus on the main character of the first film’s sister, Kristi. The movie begins with Kristi bringing home her newborn son, Hunter. We are introduced to the family, and everything seems peachy…or is it?
            After a few months, strange events eerily similar to those of the first film begin to happen to Kristi’s family. The odd thing is they all seem to be happening around their son, Hunter. As things get weirder around the house, the true reasons for the demon haunting these characters are revealed.
            As usual, I’m not going to spoil it. I will tell you that if you are a fan of the first film, you will most likely enjoy this. Do not go into this film expecting it to be much different than it’s predecessor. I was not a huge fan of the first film, but I will say I did enjoy this one much more. It seemed to flow a little better, and was definitely scarier.
            Another thing this movie did right was built on the suspense of the first film. There can’t be much more to this demon that has haunted two family members across two films. Fortunately, the movie takes what could be rather stale scenarios, and makes them much more suspenseful, and takes it a step farther than the film before it had.
            Final analysis? Check it out if you are in the mood for some good scares and thrills. Not the movie of the year but I will give it credit where credit is due.

My Opinion: 7.5/10

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