Monday, November 1, 2010

Whats The Point Of Early Voting?

            Well the time is here again, our bi-yearly citizen rights…voting. Almost feels like Armageddon. There has been more bullshit in this year’s election than I have ever seen. Every television commercial against candidates has just been total slander campaigns. Politicians are literally digging dirt out of their opponents asses. There have been more lies than a Bill Clinton scandal; but it’s seriously making that incident timid with the left field cheap shots politicians have been taking. Yet there is something I have noticed that is a completely pointless in the voting process: early voting.
            I have been able to vote since 2004, but at that time I did not care about politics as much as I do now. At the time it was a case of just not being informed but that has since changed. Yet tomorrow I will not be voting. I am registered for the state of Nevada and did not bother to fill out an absentee ballot. Sharon Angle vs. Harry Reid…if you don’t know about it, inform yourself.
            But since my first voting election, and every election I’ve voted in since, I have had the opportunity for early voting. The first year I voted, 2004 (Bush vs. Kerry), I thought that this would be a good idea. Get to the polls early and beat the rush on the actual voting day. Much to my disdain, when I arrived the line was longer than then a busy day at Splash Mountain. Wasn’t the point of this to avoid this problem?


            I started walking towards the line before two words ran through my mind. “Fuck it” Needless to say, I went back voting day and there wasn’t even a line. I was happy with my victory but annoyed I still had to drive to the same place twice. Clearly something went wrong with the whole “early voting” process.
            So why do we fall victim to thinking that we are actually going to beat the line? It is that rationale of thinking that gets us into that problem in the first place. Even without voting this year I have been told by people that went to vote early that they just drove off after witnessing the long lines. So without making this information spread like wildfire, take my advice and avoid early voting. Let the people who want to vote early diminish the voting day lines for us.
            We could just alleviate this problem by having a voting booths open couple of days. Instead we try to condense the process into a short time span over two spaced out non-mutual days. I have heard more people complain about long lines than ever before, especially on early voting days when one would not expect a long line. But apparently there are still some people that stick it out. But isn’t it about time we make this process less stressful and time consuming for people. After that maybe we can get some GOOD candidates to fill those ballots out too. I’m just asking.

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