Monday, November 15, 2010

Top 3 Albums To Hear Before You Die

            While there are many amazing albums out there, there are a particular 3 that stick out in my mind that a recommend for everyone to listen to before they die. In no particular order they are:

1. Dark Side of the Moon – Pink Floyd

            A brilliant yet sad composition, this genre defining album is one of the greatest selling albums of all time as well as one of the most popular for good reason. Chock full of strange sounds and beautiful music, Dark Side of the Moon is an album that explores the themes of insanity and darkness, and flows perfectly from the opening track till the end. It is impossible to pick a favorite song on this album, as they blend together so well the album seems like a single song. This is the first album I recommend to anyone curious about Pink Floyd, and what I consider one of the best albums of all time.

2. Abbey Road – The Beatles

            This was a hard one to choose. I have been a devoted fan of The White Album my entire life, but Abbey Road is has taken over the spot. The interesting thing about this album is the first half consists of single song compositions from the various members of the band, followed by a song medley that makes up the second half of the album. The single compositions make up for some of the best and most well known Beatles songs, such as Something and Come Together. However, the final half of the albums song medley is a seamlessly flowing song that shows off The Beatles in their finest hours before their unfortunate break-up following the albums release.

3. Wish You Were Here – Pink Floyd

            After Dark Side of the Moon, it was going to be hard to make a worthy follow up album. However, Pink Floyd rose to the occasion with this follow up album. A tribute to former band member Syd Barrett, Wish You Were Here is made up of the “Shine On You Crazy Diamond” suite broken up into two tracks, and three individual songs in between the two. This is my undisputed favorite album of all time, and was the high point in my opinion of Pink Floyd’s career. The songs are beautiful and haunting and are absolutely perfect all the way through. The songs can also be listened to over and over and never lose replay value. 

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